If you could have a week learning absolutely ANY new thing, what would it be?
For me I feel it would be clay sculpting. I've never really had the opportunity and it is something I am frequently drawn to in the world of art and creativity.
I often wonder how it would feel to get my hands into cool, sticky, slippery clay and shape the forms that I usually draw in 2D, into 3D.
During one zoom life drawing group session, during the sharing of our work at the end, an artist called Sharon Griffin showed, not just her drawings from the session, but also a bust she had modelling, in only about 20 minutes, of the model artists head, neck and shoulders. I was blown away! There was so much energy and life in this swift clay sculpture. Sharon said it was a quick thing and would need a lot of refining...but I adored it! I have followed Sharon's work ever since on Instagram....do check it out.
So yes, sculpting in clay would be my choice. I know it would need more space and equipment, learning a whole new skill, being a beginner again and requires a kiln too....but the reality is not my concern. The imagining is all.
And next....what baby step could I take? Is there somewhere I could go try a day course? I am very fortunate to have a fabulous place near me called ArtisOn. Which runs short introductory arts and crafts courses. The days often focus on making a specific thing, as it's deeply satisfying to come home with something you've made. The new dates will be coming out imminently so I'll cross my fingers and hope for clay sculpting!
What would you choose? And is there a baby step you can take towards that now?
KM 14/3/22